Enhanced Compendium of Planning Standards and Indicators

Development Planning is essential in identifying the courses of action required by the government, non-government or the private sector in the development and utilization of limited resources to attain maximum benefits for all members of society. Development planning involves different processes such as: situational analysis and problem identification; vision, goal, objective and target setting; policy and strategy formulation; program and project identification; investment programming and budgeting; plan implementation; and monitoring and evaluation. In each process, statistics and other relevant information are necessary. These statistics become more meaningful when translated into indicators which describe the condition of people, places, events and changes taking place within a given period.

This Enhanced Compendium contains a compilation of planning indicators and standards which are clustered by sector namely: Macro-Economy, Economic Development, Social Development, Infrastructure Development and Governance and Institutional Development Sectors.

The RDC 02-RSCC endeavored in … Read more »