
Philippine Standard Time:
In the exercise of its functions, the Council has the following responsibilities:
  1. Approve the Regional Development Plan, the Regional Physical Framework Plan, the Multi-Year Regional Development Investment Program, the Regional Annual Investment Program and other special development plans;
  2. Ensure the consistency of local development plans and the regional development plans and priorities, through coordination with local development councils;
  3. Submit an annual assessment of plan implementation and an integrated report on the annual performance of the economy in the region;
  4. Ensure the preparation of integrated socio-economic profile of provinces with sub-provincial components, which shall be updated every after 3 years by the local government units and, when requested, provide technical assistance thereof;
  5. Ensure, through the process of evaluation, that nationally-funded programs and projects in the region have gone through the required consultation at the LGU level, have secured the support of local officials, and conform with the requirements of the ICC in terms of, but not limited to, economic and financial feasibility, social acceptability and technical viability;
  6. Submit reports on events and occurrences in the region requiring national attention;
  7. Submit a semestral report on the activities of the Council including an assessment of the participation of its members within thirty (3) days after each semester;
  8. Identify and prescribe uniform systems, standards, methods and institutional arrangements in the preparation of reports, socio-economic profiles, plans and programs and other undertakings of the local government units and/or local development councils;
  9. Appeal for financial assistance from the LGU’s and other entities in support for its activities and projects; and
  10. Accept donations, contributions, grants, bequests or gifts in cash or in kind from any source and submit report on the availability, utilization and/or disbursement, thereof.