Cagayan Valley Regional Development Agenda

The Regional Development Agenda (RDA) CY 2010-2020 was formulated to guide the next Regional Development Council 2 in the crafting of the successor Regional Development Plan. The document has undergone a series of consultation participated in by line agencies, local government units, NGOs and HEIs.

The Cagayan Valley RDA is among the legacies of the officials and members of the Regional Development Council 2 (RDC2) CY 2007-2010 under the able leadership of his Eminence Bishop Ramon B. Villena. As such, the document will provide the next Council with a starting document that would guide them in formulation of the successor Regional Development Plan.

The RDA takes off from existing planning documents such as the Regional Development Plan CY 2004-2010, the Regional Physical Framework Plan, the Regional Investments Priority Plan, and the Regional Action Agenda for Productivity and Quality.

The RDA articulates the … Read more »

The Cagayan Valley Jatropha Industry Framework Plan 2008-2030

Republic Act 7638 (RA 7638) otherwise known as the Department of Energy Act of 1992, declares the policy of the state “…to ensure a continuous, adequate, and economic supply of energy with the end in view of ultimately achieving self-reliance in the country’s energy requirements through the integrated and intensive exploration, production, management, and development of the country’s indigenous energy resources, and through the judicious conservation, renewal and efficient utilization of energy to keep pace with the country’s growth and economic development and taking into consideration the active participation of the private sector in the various areas of energy resource development; and to rationalize, integrate, and coordinate the various programs of the Government towards self-sufficiency and enhanced productivity in power and energy without sacrificing ecological concerns”.

This assertive energy development declaration is supplemented by the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan which seeks … Read more »

Cagayan Valley Flood Mitigation Master Plan 2005-2030

Cagayan Valley rests on an expansive physical resource called the Cagayan River Basin with an area of 27,676 square kilometers. This basin makes Cagayan Valley one of the most significant bio-diversity areas in the country. Herein also lies the Cagayan River, the longest river in the country measuring 500 kilometers long.

The flood inundation problem has been a main constraint in the promotion of socio-economic development and improvement of the living condition of people in Region 02. On the other hand, the Cagayan River Basin offers significant potentials in promoting regional development. Specifically, Cagayan River is the largest river in the Philippines with an aggregate basin area of 27,281 km2. With such a considerable resource, a rationale water resource development geared towards the mitigation of the effects of occurrences alongside agricultural development, environmental management and infrastructure support would enable the region to … Read more »

Cagayan Riverine Zone Development Framework Plan 2005-2030

The Cagayan Valley Regional Physical Framework Plan (2005–2030) approved by the Regional Development Council in February 2005 identifies the Cagayan River and its tributaries as a Multi-Use Zone. This identification takes into account the many endowments of the riverine zone which can be tapped for many development activities.

While the riverine zone bears much potential as a production resource, there is the need for its protection in order to sustain and conserve the fishery and aquatic resources as well as the biodiversity in the area. Parallel to this is the need to protect the river in order to maximize its use for the present and future generations. This concept stands for a harmonized relationship between the region’s desire to facilitate and attain agri-industrial development and the need to enhance the region’s environmental integrity. Planning for this multiple land use therefore, would ensure … Read more »