As the country celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Magna Carta of Women or Republic Act 9710, the Province of Nueva Vizcaya hosted the 1st Cagayan Valley Regional Celebration of the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) in collaboration with the RDC2 – Regional Gender and Development Committee (RGADC). This event serves as a platform to: recognize and celebrate the significant progress and accomplishments in promoting gender equality and womenโ€™s empowerment under the Magna Carta of Women over the past 15 years; highlight success stories, best practices, and initiatives that emerged as a result of the MCWโ€™s implementation; reinforce the commitment on the principles and objectives of the MCW; assess the current state of gender equality and womenโ€™s rights in the region, identifying ongoing challenges and areas needing improvement; strengthen partnerships and collaboration among various stakeholders, including government, civil society, international organizations, and the private sector, to amplify efforts in promoting womenโ€™s rights; and encourage collective action and shared responsibility in advancing the goals of the Magna Carta of Women.
The celebration is well attended with more or less 400 participants from the members of the RGADC and various local government unit representatives in the region. The farthest attendee coming from the Local Government Unit of Mahatao, Batanes.
Highlights of the celebration include messages from Nueva Vizcaya Governor Jose V. Gambito, RGADC Chair Virginia G. Bilgera, Isabela State University President Dr. Ricmar P. Aquino, Abot Palad Association President Ruth R. Padilla, and Philippine Commission on Women Chairperson Ermelita V. Valdeavilla. The keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Jhamie Tetz I. Mateo, Isabela State Universityโ€™s Gender Resource Research and Development Center Director. Also, the RGADC recognized new Civil Society Organization members of the RGADC, and the members of the RDC2-RGADC Regional Pool of GAD Resource Persons through an oathtaking ceremonies.
Later this afternoon, Mr. Leomar Israel, Chief Economic Development Specialist of NEDA Region 2 will provide a glimpse of the Ambisyon Natin 2040; Mr. Ernesto de Peralta will present the Women and Men 2023 statistics; and the 4 sectoral groups i.e. civil governance, will present their accomplishments in implementing the Magna Carta of Women for the past 15 years.